约 83,700 个结果
- The CHL (Chinese Hamster Lung) cell line is derived from the lung tissue of the Chinese hamster, Cricetulus griseus.了解详细信息:The CHL (Chinese Hamster Lung) cell line is derived from the lung tissue of the Chinese hamster, Cricetulus griseus.www.cytion.com/CHL-Cells/305013CHL/IU [CHL-11] is a fibroblast-like cell line that was isolated from the lung of a Chinese hamster and can be used in toxicology research.www.atcc.org/products/crl-1935
Cellosaurus cell line CHL (CVCL_0212)
仅显示来自 cellosaurus.org 的搜索结果Cellosaurus cell line CHL-1 (C…
TCLP: an online cancer cell line catalogue integrating HLA type, predicted neo …
Cellosaurus cell line CHL/IU (…
Development of a novel CHL/IU cell line with an incorporated gpt shuttle vector …
Cellosaurus cell line CHL-1 (CVCL_1122)
CHL(中国仓鼠肺细胞)-逸漠细胞库 - IMMOCELL
chl(中国仓鼠肺细胞)价格1200元,形态:成纤维细胞,贴壁生长,引进ecacc,chl细胞培养基:dmem+ps+10%fbs,传代:1:2至1:3,每周 3次,chl细胞广泛应用于染色体异常测试,密度达80%-90%,即可进行传代培养操作,货期2周左右
CHL/IU [CHL-11] - CRL-1935 - ATCC
CHL Cells - Cytion
The CHL (Chinese Hamster Lung) cell line is derived from the lung tissue of the Chinese hamster, Cricetulus griseus. This cell line is commonly used in biomedical research due to its sensitivity to mutagens and its utility in …
-Detailed Information [JCRB0030]-
Cellosaurus cell line CHL/IU (CVCL_4585)
CHL-1 - CRL-3619 - ATCC
CHL-1 | Cell - PubChem
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