Ahead of the spring semester, nine students traveled to Washington, D.C., and Jackson, Mississippi, as part of a community-engaged learning trip led by the Swearer Center and in partnership with ...
Dr. Dee Dawkins-Haigler and Co-host Keith Grandberry spoke with the pioneering figure behind the establishment of the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and the U.S. Government Black College Program, ...
Furthermore, from an Indigenous perspective if, on the one hand, names are powerful forms of identity, and if the one who names has power and domination over the named, on the other hand, then ...
Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης το 2022: «Οι ειδικοί μας λένε, ότι σχεδόν ένας στους εκατό ανθρώπους μπορεί να γεννιέται με κάποια παραλλαγή φύλου. Αυτές οι επεμβάσεις, που εξακολουθούν και σήμερα ακόμα να ...