Moving at roughly 20,505 miles per hour along the distant world's equator, it’s the fastest known jet stream that wraps around a planet ...
Seventy-five years ago, a Douglas C-54D Skymaster disappeared en route from Alaska to Montana. No trace of its crew and ...
After spending centuries on a British aristocrat's estate in North Yorkshire, the marble masterpiece will be unveiled in Chicago's Wrightwood 659 gallery later this week ...
Scientists suggest meat consumption was pivotal to humans' development of larger brains, but the transition probably didn't ...
Two new studies offer insights into the evolution and development of external ears, which appear in humans and other mammals but aren't found in reptiles, birds or amphibians ...
Diana Kruzman is a journalist reporting on religion, the environment and urbanism. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor and Gizmodo, among other publications ...
A company called BlueGreen Water Technologies aims to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while also fighting algae’s toxic effects on people and the environment ...
Ari Daniel, the host of Smithsonian magazine's "There's More to That" podcast, is an independent science journalist who has reported across six continents and contributes regularly to National Public ...
An arboreal archaeologist roots around the Italian countryside and in centuries-old frescoes for a cornucopia of fruits long ...
While the planets are technically always "aligned" along the same plane in our sky, seeing so many at once is a special opportunity ...