Medicare coverage for a breast MRI is determined on a case by case basis. Although mammograms remain the first-line screening test for breast cancer, a breast MRI may be recommended for people at high ...
An abnormal development of the forebrain, holoprosencephaly, is the most common cranial abnormality in infants with Trisomy 13. The embryology and implications of holoprosencephaly are described.
胰岛素耐量试验(ITT)是CAI诊断金标准,用胰岛素诱发低血糖导致HPA轴的激活,评价垂体前叶功能,可同时进行GH评估。方法是基线和静脉注射0.1 U/kg常规胰岛素后15、30、45、60、90和120 ...
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive biomedical imaging technique that uses a strong oscillating magnetic field to induce endogenous atoms such as hydrogen, or exogenously added ...
Diabetes is a leading cause of global mortality and disability, and its economic burden is substantial. This Review focuses on type 2 diabetes, which makes up 90–95% of all diabetes cases. Type 2 ...