The film from Bowen Island director Josephine Anderson follows the lives of teen curlers (and BFFs) Sav Miley, Brook Aleksic, Amy Wheatcroft, Hannah Smeed and Ashley Dezura, a.k.a. the 4KGirl$ rink as ...
As Leontyev prepares for war in 2022, it's clear that mixing slurry is as essential an act of resistance as fieldstripping an AK-47. If there is no culture, Leontyev explains, there is no Ukraine.
Out of the estimated 11,000 troops sent from North Korea, 4,000 were battle casualties in just three months of fighting – including at least 1,000 killed – the officials said on condition of anonymity ...
The startling “cold open” for a documentary about 50 years of “Saturday Night Live” music is proof that a musician — a specific kind of musician — had ...