The Conference of the Parties (COP) and the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA), through decisions 2/CP.27 and 2/CMA.4, established new funding ...
Note: All submissions received from Parties are posted “as received”. The publication of Party submissions on this website does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the ...
When delegates adopted the 2015 Paris Agreement to widespread cheers and excitement, it was clear that further details needed to be negotiated on how the agreement would be implemented transparently ...
How we live and work together in communities and cities can have a huge impact in tackling climate change. Energy efficient buildings, low carbon public transport and encouraging cycling and walking ...
The documentary "Adapting to a changing climate" highlights the growing recognition of the need for adaptation to climate change around the world. It is translated into nine languages, including the ...
Parties to the Convention have agreed to submit to the Conference of the Parties (COP) national reports on implementation of the Convention to inform on the implementation of activities relating to ...
What is the Bureau of the COP, CMP, and CMA? The Bureau supports the COP, CMP and CMA through the provision of advice and guidance regarding the ongoing work under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, ...