If you've recently upgraded to a more powerful CPU, and are wondering what to do with that old CPU, don't throw it away. Remove all thoughts of reselling it as well (unless you really need to ...
How would you sell a computer to a potential buyer? Fast? Reliable? Great graphics and sound? In 1956, you might point out that it was somewhat smaller than a desk. After all, in those days what ...
Hence, it looks like users running such old processors would no longer be able ... further seems to confirm the need for the POPCNT CPU instruction. When trying to install Windows 11 build 26058 ...
There are two things that keep me from expanding my collecting old computers: the cost and the space required to house them. I do have my old original TRS-80, and an old serial terminal (see the ...
It's just another example of a frustrating trend, present in both Intel's and AMD's CPU lineups and the USB spec: the tendency to simply rename old things to make them seem "new" or to make them ...