Mayday! Mayday!" and air traffic control (ATC ... In 1989, United Airlines Flight 232 flying from Denver to Chicago, had to initiate an emergency landing over Iowa when it experienced engine ...
Air Disaster, the hit investigation series that has been airing for more than 20 years, could be about to spin off. According to Cineflix Productions boss JC Mills, conversations are taking place ...
Flight instructor Erwin Castillo was in the air teaching a student to fly when, over his radio, he heard, "Mayday! Mayday!
A TUI flight issued a 'MAYDAY' call in mid-air as the plane circled a UK airport with just 20 minutes worth of fuel left. The Boeing 787 carrying over 300 passengers was unable to land at Manchester ...
TOM173 MAYDAY FUEL'. After being instructed to climb to 4,000ft and then come into land, the plane arrived in Birmingham at 8.26am with 2,750lbs of fuel, equivalent to around 20 minutes of flight ...
A TUI flight, carrying over 300 passengers ... In the midst of the climb, the crew radioed Birmingham radar with an urgent 'TOM173 MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, TOM173 MAYDAY FUEL'.
TOM173 MAYDAY FUEL'. After being instructed to climb to 4,000ft and then come into land, the plane arrived in Birmingham at 8.26am with 2,750lbs of fuel, equivalent to around 20 minutes of flight time ...