Giant robots in Lightyear Frontier serve as multi-purpose tools, including farming mechs. Explore the peaceful new planet, collect lost tools, and build a home with the mech's resources.
It took giant robot gaming to a new level ... Feel the seat rumble thanks to motors and a subwoofer in the base. Mech terminally damaged? The entire cockpit is bathed in flashing red light.
For those who missed it, id gave longer previews of the cybernetic dragon mount that your Doomslayer is riding in the air.
Fair warning that [Freerk Wieringa]’s videos documenting his giant non-electric robot build are long. We’ve only watched the first two episodes and the latest installment so far, all of which ...
According to Zhang, humanoid robots represent a complex system involving multiple fields such as algorithms, chips, new materials and mechanical engineering. The manufacturing of a complete ...
Nonetheless, the show plays within the tropes and themes of a mecha, subverting people’s expectations of what a giant robot series could be. Amuro Ray was the only one capable of piloting the ...
Originally launched in 1994 as an Asian pop-culture magazine by Martin Wong and Eric Nakamura, Giant Robot has since evolved into a full-fledged style movement, spawning an LA restaurant ...