in order to maximize the expression level of the target protein in E. coli. Depending on the nature of the heterologous target protein, we provide and utilize a number of different E. coli host ...
Measuring protein turnover is complex. Even in simple unicellular organisms such as bacteria and yeast, there are many up- and down-stream processes that must be considered. The major premise of ...
Proteomics also aids in the assessment of drug efficacy and safety by monitoring protein expression and modification in response to treatment. Proteomics enables the development of personalized ...
They used RNA sequencing to understand genetic expression of proteins important for sorbitol and malic acid accumulation in fruit and leaves, and they identified five genes that appeared to encode ...
Cells express their genes by converting the genetic message into protein. This process of protein synthesis occurs in two stages - transcription and translation. When a gene is to be expressed ...
Specifically, Grozdanov’s study will focus on alternative polyadenylation as a molecular mechanism that further regulates protein expression in the brain during the development of Alzheimer’s ...